Danielle Lloyd is Sexy Pink Bikini Pictures

Danielle Lloyd Sexy Pink Bikini Pictures Danielle Lloyd Sexy Pink Bikini Pictures Danielle Lloyd Sexy Pink Bikini Pictures Danielle Lloyd Sexy Pink Bikini Pictures
Here are some bikini pictures of Danielle Lloyd in the latest Nuts Magazine. There’s not much to say about them other than I don’t understand why she is all wet.

Jelena Dokic - practicing...

Jelena Dokic Practicing at the Hastings Direct Int'l Tournament at Eastbourne in June 2005

Daniela Hantuchova - is sexy?

Various Photo Shoots of Daniela Hantuchova

Sanii la control, la mantinela, please!

Toate fetele din SUA isi doresc sa aiba norocul Pamelei Anderson. De aceea, fac orice ca s? apar? în prim planul ecranului gigant din interiorul arenelor.

Sfidand frigul dintr-un patinoar, la un meci al celor de la Florida Panthers, o suportera sexy dupa ce s-a mangaiat pe sani pana cand operatorii au identificat-o si au aratat-o pe ecranul patinoarului, moment in care fata si-a ridicat bluza si cu sanii goi a inceput sa si-i frece pe mantinela de la marginea ghetii spre deliciul tuturor!

Daniela Crudu isi arata sfarcurile in direct!

Astazi va prezentam o scurta secventa din showul incendiar pe care Daniela Crudu l-a facut la "neata cu Razvan si Dani". Intentionat sau nu, Daniela Crudu a lasat sa i se vada un sfarc, apoi si pe celalalt, apoi din nou ambele sfarcuri sa i se vada foarte bine in timpul unui dans a la Daniela Crudu....

Sa recapitulam articolele care au facut istorie pe Sport Romania Blog despre Daniela Crudu:

Daily Links

Megan Fox has a hot new haircut.
Ashley Tisdale is chillin' at The Viper
Lindsay Lohan borrowed her new car
from a porn king.
Jennifer Ellison is hot in nuts.
Now THAT is a homeless sign.
90210 is back tonight.
The Osbournes vs. The Hills. The
Osbournes win by a landslide.
Cute college girl of the day.
Why do men go to Britney Spears
A website I can agree with.
Will AI out Adam Lambert as a homosexual?

Michelle Obama Is Not Gonna Have Another Kid

Michelle Obama got the distinct honor of being on the cover of O magazine.
In Oprah's mind this is a much higher honor than being the first lady. In the
mag she talks about how she works out 5 days a week and Barack works out
6 days a week calling him a work out zealot. He has to be in shape if he is
gonna tap that on a nightly basis. She also said that she is not planning on
getting pregnant ever again. I don't blame her. Why would she waste Barack's
time with a knee high ankle biting shit machine when he has a country to run?
Maybe because she is selfish, but she said no so I digress. I am just curious
as to how many condoms they go through in a week. If I were married to
Michelle Obama I would put the economy ont he back burner and focus
all of my attention on banging Michelle's skinny bones on a regular schedule.
I pronounce schedule ske-joo-ul not she-jool which is wrong.

zoomag COVER GIRLS - March - April - 2009

SuperNews - Obama's plan for AIG