Lindsay Lohan Still Likes Cock

It seems as though the only person LiLo wants to sleep with these days is Samantha
Ronson. But not so fast. Lindsay according to NY Daily News is still flirting with and
seducing young men in Hollywood. Here are some quotes, "She has been telling
everyone over and over that she’s still into guys." One friend spilled to us. "She keeps
saying if anything went wrong with Sam she would date a guy next. She even flirts
with guys when they go out." Sounds sexy. I don't really see what the big deal is. If
you are bi, you're bi. It's Lindsay Lohan for Christ's sake. I am indifferent on if she is
dating a smokin' hot girl,which she isn't, or just some up and coming douche bag in
Hollywood. It kind of erks me that she isn't dating someone hotter. She can get almost
any girl in Hollywood and instead she s dating that troll SamRo. I would like to see a
Megan Fox and LiLo hook-up. Or a Jodie Marsh and Lilo Hook-up. LiFox or MarshLo.
That sounds sexy.

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