Mischa Barton May Visit The Clink

Well according to TMZ, Mischa Barton's DUI court case has been continued
until April 10. Her attourney Anthony Salerno said the case will be resolved
fanorably. His reasoning for this is that this is the first time Mischa Barton
has gotten a DUI. And also this is the first time she was caught in possession
of marijuana. Which is really odd because every time I see a new pic of Mischa
in her car she is usually smoking a joint, but maybe my sightings are filtered.
On top of all this, Mischa was busted for driving without a liscense. So, we have
Mischa Barton driving under the influence, drunk, stoned and without a liscense
and possessing a drug. Seems to me that all three will add up to jail time. How
much jail time? Well Nicole Richie got 82 minutes for almost identical charges.
But if this sways the Hilton way, she will get weeks in jail. I personally want to
see what Mischa would look like after emerging from a jail cell weeks later.
No makeup, just makes you wonder.I am sure TMZ will have more on this
story on April 10 when she finally goes before ajudge. I will try to follow up.

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